Okay, that might have been a little intense. But yeah, needless to say we are so happily grateful and gratefully happy because of all you fine people! I even wrote a little post about it pouring my heart out here. But for all you non backers, I just want to extend my extreme gratitude to anyone who took the time out of their day to help spread the word, visit the kickstarter page, or even show interest in our little project. Without every single one of you, this movie would just be some words typed onto a piece of paper. You guys are Dr. Frankenstein and are helping bring it aliiiiiive!
Sooooo this is probably the last time I'll push this link out (okay, let's be real, I'll probably do it once more tomorrow), but please contribute any way you can while there is still time left - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1739440328/laying-over
Thanks so much again. Y'all are the bee's knees.